An Introduction to Renewable Energy

An Introduction to Renewable Energy

In layman’s terms, renewable energy is any source of energy that is naturally replenished on a human timescale. This means that no matter how much energy we capture and consume. It won’t put a permanent dent in the energy potential available for future generations.

As we know, this energy comes in many forms, from solar to wind, biomass, geothermal, and many more. Most of these energy systems were put in place by nature, long before the birth of mankind. Yet even after millions of years of evolution, we are yet to reach a point where we could consider them a significant means of energy production.

Thus, it goes without saying that renewable energy is simultaneously one of the oldest forms of energy known to man. While also being some of the most underutilized sources as well. Even though humans have always relied upon some form of renewable energy for survival.

History of Renewable Energy Usage

Renewable energy resources have played a big role in the development of mankind. We use renewable energy in various ways, ranging from direct heat capture to complex electricity production. The most basic form of this practice is the use of solar energy to dry our clothes and heat our bodies. This is such an instinctive activity that we often forget that it still uses a form of renewable energy. A practice that began millions of years ago. Yet, we still use it regularly, all over the world. Irrespective of the level of advancement in the societies that we live in.

A more conscious use of renewable energy began over a million years ago. When the early settlers started experimenting with using biomass. To create and sustain fires. This was the first time we realized that we can store energy and use it whenever we need it. A concept that catapulted humanity to the top of the food chain. As suddenly, we weren’t dependent on only the sun for survival.

Moreover, by using biomass in addition to more traditional fuels like wood. We also were able to break the dominance of night-time predators. Who could be easily fought off with bigger fires that utilized a lot less fuel. This helped turn us from a predominantly nomadic society, into early settlers. Who could create strongholds and defend them with ease. At least from elements of nature and wildlife. This also helped prevent food poisoning and other ailments. As water and food sources could be more easily treated and cooked before consumption. Thus, dramatically reducing unnecessary deaths.

A more mainstream form of renewable energy came around near the 1st century. When we recorded the first instances of boats using wind energy to power them. This was the first deliberate attempt at harnessing energy for human purposes. What separated this from earlier methods of renewable energy use. Is the need for dedicated hardware to accomplish the task.

While the other methods were a lot more basic and didn’t require any processing. This method of energy production actually needed specialized equipment. Both in the form of the sails themselves. As well as sophisticated rigging and navigation systems. That are still readily used in modern yachts and sailboats. The use of these systems let us traverse long distances on rivers and oceans alike. While also bypassing the limitations of human endurance and speed.

Renewable Energy Technologies

Once wind energy proved itself to be as efficient as other sources. We witnessed it being further modified for use in inland uses. In the form of wind turbines used to process grains and other materials. A method that eventually become the stepping stone for modern hydroelectric dams.

The fact that we were able to intuitively grasp these opportunities of energy capture in front of us. Even back then, when there was no concept of renewable or sustainable use. Showcases how user-friendly and easily adaptable these sources of renewable energy are. Moreover, these advancements also highlight an important fact of human history. That renewable energy has helped shape human society over multiple generations.

Even when we didn’t have the sophisticated modern technologies that we rely on today. To capture the full potential of these sources. These were intuitive leaps in human knowledge and the use of crude technology. Which helped humans surpass their biological limitations. And achieve the dominant spot in the global ecosystem.

introduction to renewable energy

The Problem with Fossil Fuels

It also led to the construction of more sophisticated machinery. That would be eventually used to discover newer sources of fuel. In the form of fossil fuels, or ‘dirty’ fuels. That are a lot more energy-dense, while also being highly polluting and harmful. Both for humans as well as the environment. Unfortunately, human greed led us to ignore these issues. And adopt fossil fuels as the primary source of energy production.

A scenario that has led to the destruction of millions of acres of land and livestock alike. The pollution caused a result of these activities. Is also actively deteriorating the health and quality of life of humans across the world. While also affecting permanent damage to the planet itself, through global warming. A price that we seemed all too happy to pay throughout the last century. Which saw some of the most rapid advancements in human technology. As well as the most destruction that could be directly related to human activities.

It is only in the last decade or two, that we as a society have shifted our focus back towards renewables. As a truly sustainable source of energy for us and future generations. Both in terms of energy production, as well as use in transport. We can attribute this shift to the development of cheaper, yet more efficient systems. That can capture solar and wind energy at a much higher rate. In addition to the development of cheaper, more dense storage solutions. In the form of lithium batteries. That can be easily used for both long-term storage and instant energy supply.

With more and more companies setting up manufacturing facilities in this segment. We are finally seeing such renewable sources of energy become more mainstream. As the prices have come down dramatically. Thus, making them affordable for the general public at large. The same is the case with utility-scale renewable energy production. Which is seeing tremendous investment both from governments and private enterprises. Who are finally recognizing the potential in cutting down the upfront costs. Related to raw material extraction for fossil fuel production. As well as the long-term disadvantage in relying on a source of fuel that will eventually run out.

Thus, renewable energy is making a huge comeback. And we expect it to become the major source of energy production in the coming decades. We just hope that happens before we do any permanent damage to our planet, in our greed for cheap and dirty fossil fuels.

What is Renewable Energy?

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