Publish With us

We would love to collaborate for energy-intelligent editorial contributions from companies high on renewable energy industries.

Please submit your completed articles for consideration and publishing on the website using the form below.

Preference will be given to original write-up with unique information, analysis, and we will also consider commentary.

Submissions for one of our blog sections should range between 400 and 800 words, while feature articles generally range from 1,200 to 1,500 words.

If you are attaching a complete article, please submit it as a Word document rather than a PDF. Please use hyperlinks for acknowledging sources where ever required. Do not put all the links together at the footnote of the document. If there is an original image that you need to submit, please use the same in the word document only.

Because of the very large volume of submissions we receive, we will contact you only if we feel able to accept your piece. If you do not hear from us within three business days, please feel free to submit your article to other publications.

Please submit an article or pitch just once. If not accepted, please try with other original pieces.

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