Driving Innovation in Intralogistics Automation: Addverb’s Global Impact and Future Perspectives

Driving Innovation in Intralogistics Automation: Addverb’s Global Impact and Future Perspectives

In just seven years, Addverb has skyrocketed from a modest turnover of 1.5 crore INR to a remarkable 400+ crores, becoming a global leader in automation and robotics. This extraordinary journey includes inaugurating the world’s largest manufacturing facility, BOT Verse, a 200 crore INR venture, and securing a substantial 132 million USD investment from Reliance Retail in 2022. In 2021, Addverb unveiled its state-of-the-art Bot-Valley facility in Noida, an impressive 75 crore INR project.

The company’s rapid expansion extends beyond India, with a significant presence in Europe, South-East Asia, and Australia, and the establishment of 100% subsidiary companies in the US, Singapore, Australia, and the Netherlands. Notably, Addverb’s industrial 5G robotic applications have been deployed at the world’s largest refinery plant in Jamnagar, Gujarat.

We had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Prateek Jain, Co-founder and COO of Addverb, to gain deeper insights into their phenomenal growth and future aspirations.

1. Can you share the story behind the founding of Addverb? What inspired you to start this company?

Addverb Technologies was founded in 2016 by engineers Sangeet Kumar, Prateek Jain, Satish Shukla, and Bir Singh, driven by a passion for revolutionizing intralogistics and warehouse automation. Their collective industry experience and a shared vision to create innovative and efficient material handling solutions inspired them to start the company. Recognising the need for automation to enhance productivity, accuracy, and safety in warehouses and manufacturing units, they aimed to address challenges posed by traditional methods using advanced technologies like robotics, AI, and IoT. Addverb began with software solutions for warehouse management and expanded to include a wide range of robotic systems, establishing itself as a leading player in the global automation industry through its dedication to innovation and customer-centric approach.

2. Addverb aims to disrupt the way warehouses operate worldwide. Can you elaborate on this vision?

Addverb aims to revolutionize warehouse operations worldwide by leveraging cutting-edge robotics and automation technologies to create highly efficient, scalable, and intelligent systems. Their vision is to transform traditional warehouses into “smart warehouses” equipped with advanced technologies like mobile robots, automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), and AI-driven software, enhancing inventory management, order fulfilment, and operational efficiency. Addverb’s solutions are designed to be flexible and scalable, allowing warehouses to adapt to varying demand levels and evolving business needs. They emphasize seamless integration with existing warehouse management systems (WMS) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, ensuring smooth operations and real-time data flow. By automating repetitive and labour-intensive tasks, Addverb boosts productivity, reduces human error, and improves overall efficiency. These solutions lead to significant cost savings through reduced labour costs, minimized errors, and optimized space utilization. Additionally, Addverb promotes sustainability in warehouse operations by enhancing energy efficiency, reducing waste, and optimizing resource use. Continuous innovation is at the core of Addverb’s vision, ensuring they stay ahead of technological trends and bring the latest advancements in robotics, AI, and IoT to the warehousing industry, setting new standards worldwide.

3. How does Addverb integrate Operational Technology & information Technology to create innovative and sustainable intralogistics solutions?

Addverb provides innovative and sustainable intralogistics solutions by integrating Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT). We create a unified system architecture that harmonizes OT devices, such as robots and automated systems, with IT components like Warehouse Management System (WMS), Warehouse Execution System (WES) . This integration ensures seamless data flow and real-time analytics, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. Addverb’s smart robotics and automation solutions, equipped with advanced sensors and control systems, optimize workflows, and ensure synchronized operations across the warehouse or factory floor. Leveraging IoT and cloud integration, Addverb enables scalable data processing and remote management capabilities. Our commitment to customization ensures solutions are tailored to meet specific operational needs while maintaining compatibility with existing infrastructures. This flexibility promotes seamless adoption and scalability, allowing businesses to adapt and grow with minimal disruption

4. Can you give us an overview of your end-to-end product portfolio and the technology behind it?

Addverb product range spans what we call, Fixed & Flexible Automation category. Our Fixed Automation products comprise of automation systems that require a Fixed infrastructure to operate and are listed below:

Quadron: Carton Shuttle Bot for storage and retrieval of cartons/crates

Cruiser: Pallet Shuttle Bot for storage and retrieval of Pallets

Multi-Pro: Mother-Child Shuttle system for storage and retrieval of Pallets

Crane based Automated Storage & Retrieval System for Pallet Load

Travect: Rail Guided Vehicle for transporting pallets over long distances within factories and warehouses

Sortie: Vertical Sortation Robot that can sort individual packets to different destinations at varied heights

Medius: Multi-Level Shuttle

Flexible Automation product range comprises of mobile robots that help to move material from one place to another.

Dynamo: Autonomous Mobile Robot that is powered by Lidar and operates on natural navigation. Can carry paylods of 100,200 Kg, 500Kg, 1 T, 1.5 T and 2.5T

Zippy: Sorting Robot that navigate with the help of floor-based markets to perform sorting operations on special platforms or floor. Can carry paylods of 6,10,25,40 Kg.

Veloce: Multi-Carton Picking Robot that can perform storage and retrieval of cartons and crates

FlowT: Autonomous Forklift that runs on natural navigation and performs operations through Computer Vision

Syncro: Collaborative Robot designed to work alongside humans in shared spaces to perform industrial operations.

Picking Solutions:

Pick-To-Light: Pick-To-Light is an order picking technology that guides operators to perform the picking.

Pick-By-Voice: Order picking technology that helps an operator perform picking operations with the help of voice commands.

Other Product Range:

Trakr: Assistive Robot dog which can be used for different applications like maintenance, surveillance, patrolling etc. across industries such as construction, manufacturing, refineries, defence.

Heal: Collaborative robot for healthcare applications to perform non-invasive procedures like ultrasound.

Exoskeleton: Robotic exo-skeleton to help patients in rehabilitation.

By integrating IoT for real-time data collection, we enable insights that optimize operations and drive efficiency. The introduction of 5G provides high-speed, low-latency connectivity, critical for instant data transmission in warehousing and automation systems, such as mobile robots. These cutting-edge technologies enhance customization, scalability, and adaptability in our solutions. By pushing the boundaries of what is possible in automation, we are poised to lead the charge in shaping a future where collaboration between humans and robots is not just an innovation, but a necessity for businesses striving for excellence in the modern world.

5. How do your solutions cater to the diverse needs of different industries, particularly the e-commerce sector with your Micro Fulfilment Solution?

Addverb provides a Micro Fulfilment Solution tailored for e-commerce businesses, emphasizing speed, accuracy, scalability, and integration. These compact automated systems can be seamlessly integrated into urban spaces or existing retail environments, enabling companies to fulfil orders closer to customers, thereby reducing delivery times and logistics costs. Highly scalable and adaptable, these solutions efficiently handle varying demand levels and seasonal fluctuations by optimizing order picking and packing processes using AI-driven algorithms and robotic systems, which in turn reduces processing times and errors.

Addverb integrates its Micro Fulfilment Solutions seamlessly with existing e-commerce platforms, warehouse management systems, and logistics networks, streamlining operations and enhancing supply chain visibility. Real-time data analytics enable better decision-making and continuous process optimization. These solutions significantly enhance customer experience by improving order accuracy, reducing delivery times, and optimizing inventory management. They help e-commerce companies consistently meet service level agreements, thereby boosting customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Addverb’s automated solutions also optimize space utilization and labour costs, resulting in substantial operational cost savings for e-commerce businesses of all sizes. Efficient inventory management and reduced order processing times make these solutions financially viable for both large-scale e-commerce operations and smaller retailers alike.

6. Addverb is at the forefront of Industry 4.0. What are some of the latest technologies you have incorporated into your products?

As a pioneer in Industry 4.0, Addverb offers a comprehensive range of tailored automation solutions that integrate the latest and most efficient technologies to meet the diverse operational needs and processes of warehouses. We harness AI, ML, and deep learning in our mobile robot applications, enhancing the performance and accuracy of warehouse and factory operations. Through our automation solutions, we leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IIoT to optimize processes, while our in-house software solutions further enhance efficiency.

Looking forward, Addverb is poised to integrate AI, ML, IIoT, 5G, and robotics to revolutionize industrial facilities, enabling easier product inspection, reducing errors, improving quality, and lowering costs. This integration will boost productivity and efficiency, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction. As a leading robotics company, we empower businesses to adopt state-of-the-art automation solutions, helping them stay competitive by transforming their warehouses into intelligent, efficient, and future-ready facilities.

From mobile robots and sorting robots to multi-carton picking robots and flexible automation products, Addverb offers a diverse portfolio designed to meet evolving industry needs. Our highly configurable software, built from the ground up without legacy constraints, allows for dynamic feature updates and agile enhancements, ensuring our solutions remain versatile and responsive to changing operational demands.

7. How does your R&D investment translate into practical and sustainable benefits for your customers?

Addverb’s substantial investment in Research and Development (R&D) plays a pivotal role in delivering practical and sustainable benefits to their customers. Through rigorous R&D efforts, Addverb consistently pushes the boundaries of technological innovation in industrial automation. They develop cutting-edge solutions such as automated storage and retrieval systems (ASRS), mobile robots, and AI-driven software platforms tailored to enhance operational efficiency across diverse industries. This innovation not only boosts productivity and reduces operational costs but also aligns with sustainability goals by optimizing resource use and minimizing environmental impact.

Addverb’s commitment to customization ensures their solutions meet the specific needs of each customer, offering flexibility in implementation and scalability as business requirements evolve. Their R&D investments also focus on enhancing reliability and performance, thereby improving customer satisfaction with robust systems that maintain high standards of operational excellence. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements and anticipating future trends, Addverb equips their customers with forward-thinking solutions that not only address current challenges but also prepare them for future opportunities in a rapidly evolving marketplace. This strategic approach not only drives immediate value but also fosters long-term partnerships founded on innovation, reliability, and sustainability.

8. Can you explain the 4D approach (Discover-Design-Deploy-Dedicated Support) and how it ensures the right automation solution for your customers?

At Addverb, our 4D approach—Discover, Design, Deploy, and Dedicated Support—is integral to ensuring that we deliver tailored automation solutions that precisely meet the needs of our customers.

Discover: Our process begins with understanding our customers’ unique challenges and operational goals. During the Discover phase, we engage closely with clients to comprehensively assess their current workflows, pain points, and aspirations. This involves detailed site evaluations and gathering insights to identify opportunities where automation can drive significant improvements.

Design: With a deep understanding of our customers’ requirements, we move to the Design phase. Here, our team of experts collaborates closely with clients to conceptualize and design customized automation solutions. Leveraging our extensive knowledge in robotics, AI, and IoT, we craft innovative designs that optimize efficiency, enhance productivity, and align with specific operational objectives. This phase focuses on creating detailed plans and engineering solutions that meet our customers’ strategic goals.

Deploy: Once the design is finalized, we proceed to the Deploy phase, where our solutions are implemented and seamlessly integrated into our customers’ existing infrastructure. Our skilled engineers and project managers ensure smooth installation, testing, and commissioning of the automation systems. We prioritize minimal disruption to ongoing operations while maximizing the benefits of our technology. This phase includes rigorous testing and comprehensive training to ensure our customers can effectively leverage the new automation capabilities.

Dedicated Support: Beyond deployment, our commitment continues with Dedicated Support. We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to optimize the performance and longevity of our solutions. Our dedicated support team offers proactive monitoring, troubleshooting, and upgrades to address evolving needs and ensure uninterrupted operations. We prioritize responsive communication and personalized service to uphold the reliability and efficiency of our automation solutions over the long term.

Through our 4D approach, we not only deliver advanced automation technologies but also build strong partnerships with our customers based on trust, collaboration, and continuous improvement. This systematic methodology ensures that every automation solution we deliver is not just effective but also perfectly aligned with our customers’ strategic objectives, driving sustainable growth and operational excellence.

9. Tell us more about your new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility where robots will make robots. What advantages does this bring?

Addverb’s Bot-Verse emerges as a monumental investment in India’s technological landscape, marking the company’s second manufacturing unit in Noida with a staggering expenditure of Rs 200 crore. Spanning over 6,00,000 square feet, this state-of-the-art facility not only symbolizes Addverb’s commitment to innovation and growth but also stands as a beacon for the burgeoning robotics ecosystem in India. As the country’s robotics industry gains momentum, Bot-Verse’s establishment signifies a significant stride towards positioning India as a key player on the global stage. Beyond its economic implications, this venture holds the promise of driving technological advancements, fostering creativity, and ultimately shaping a brighter future for both the industry and the nation.

10. How do in-house developed software and hardware contribute to Addverb’s flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs?

Addverb’s in-house software and hardware are designed to enhance flexibility and responsiveness to customer needs across various industries. These platforms are designed to quickly tailor solutions to meet specific operational requirements and challenges, ensuring that automation solutions effectively address unique customer needs. The proprietary software and hardware are engineered for seamless integration with existing systems, minimizing disruption to ongoing operations, and maximizing efficiency gains from automation initiatives.

Addverb retains full control over scalability and expansion capabilities, allowing for efficient scaling of automation systems to accommodate growth or changing customer demands without compromising performance or reliability. Their in-house development approach fosters rapid innovation cycles, incorporating customer feedback and industry trends into software and hardware updates. This responsiveness enhances functionality, reliability, and performance, boosting customer satisfaction.

Addverb’s comprehensive support and maintenance services ensure timely updates, troubleshooting assistance, and continuous improvements to automation systems. By controlling the development process internally, Addverb upholds stringent industry standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring compliance with safety, security, and environmental standards. This commitment to delivering high-quality, adaptable solutions provides customers with peace of mind and confidence in the reliability and performance of their automation technologies.

11. How do you plan to expand Addverb’s global footprint and influence in the intralogistics automation market?

Addverb is a leading company at the forefront of robotics and automation systems, specializing in transforming warehouses and factories. The company is now poised to extend its expertise beyond traditional industry boundaries and venture into the fields of healthcare and defence automation. With a proven track record, Addverb has successfully implemented and activated its cutting-edge automation systems in over 20 countries worldwide. The company is now aiming to further broaden its influence in the markets of North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

As Addverb continues to pioneer new technologies and expand its reach, it stands poised to shape the future of automation and robotics on a global scale. We look forward to witnessing their continued success and contributions to the industry.

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