National Pollution Control Day, 2022

National Pollution Control Day, 2022

People who lost their lives in the Bhopal Gas Tragedy were no less than martyrs. The enemy here was 45 tons of the gas, methyl isocyanate, leaked from the US-based Union carbide corporation. Being a victim of such poisonous pollution, these sacrifices deserve tremendous respect and honor.

Keeping in mind the life sacrificed during the Bhopal Gas tragedy, National Pollution Control Day is observed worldwide every year on 2nd December. 

Let’s take a peep at what happened that night and the initiatives of the Indian government after this tragedy.

Bhopal Gas Tragedy facts

The tragedy happened on the 2nd and 3rd of December 1984 at the Union Carbide India Limited pesticide plant in Bhopal. However, the accident was not sudden but a result of preceding incidents that were essential red flags ignored for a long time hence taking a disastrous form in the end. 

The roots of the disaster lie in the Bhopal UCIL factory where 3 underground tanks consisting of 68000-liter liquid were kept. According to the UCC safety recommendation, every tank can have a maximum of 50 percent MIC of the total tank’s capacity. Adding more to the tank’s safety, each tank was pressured with nitrogen gas.

Pressurization was a technique adopted to pump the mic out of each tank thus safeguarding the tank liquid from impurities and moisture. 

The last month of 1984 proved nothing less than a nightmare when E610 lost its ability to contain most of its Nitrogen gas atmosphere which ultimately led to leakage of around 45 tons of mic thus wreaking havoc for everyone. This may sound very sudden however sudden incidents preceding this tragedy were encountered like:

1. The first warning sign was witnessed in 1979 when Bhopal zonal regulations were deliberately changed so that carbide can set a pesticide plant

2. One gas leak incident in 1981 at the carbide site that took the life of a worker

3. Another gas leak accident in 1982 that led to the sickening and hospitalization of 25 workers 

Repercussions of the tragedy 

15000 to 20000 people died in the tragedy and 50000 survivors suffered from serious health diseases and respiratory disorders. Problems like stunted growth, cancers, and speech disability were commonly observed in the directly affected individuals and the respective future generations  

Actions are taken by the government after the tragedy

The Indian government took the following major steps in the form of rules after the disaster:

(i) Bhopal Gas leak disaster act(1985)

(ii) The Environmental protection Act(1986)

(iii) Criminal liability provisions of the Environment Protection Act(1986)

(iv) Factory Act(1987)

(v) Hazardous waste rule act(1989)

(vi) 2010- former executives of the carbide company operated in Bhopal were held responsible and were awarded the punishment    

Significance of National pollution control day 

Indeed, the incident not only shocked the whole world. The Indian government took hold of the situation and tried its level best to bring major changes to the existing laws and policies. But what about those who already lost their lives in this horrible incident? The world realized that their sacrifice should not go in vain and hence decided to honor them on National pollution control day. The day is dedicated to spreading awareness regarding pollution and its aftermath. People are supposed to indulge in small yet impactful acts that can help in reducing pollution worldwide.

Be it planting a small plant in your garden or a nearby park, using recyclable items, or educating the masses about the benefits of renewable energy, all good acts concerning the environment are encouraged.  

Following are some of the ways you can honor the Bhopal Gas Tragedy victims and make this world a better place to live in:

(i) Spread awareness- Knowledge is power. Yes, it is. Not only when it comes to earning money but a danger-free environment for our future generation. And this is only possible when all become aware of what can harm us environmentally and what can be done to reduce pollution. Let’s take a pledge this National pollution day to educate at least 2 people about the negative effects of pollution

(ii) Opt for recyclable products- Recyclable materials are not only affordable but also environmentally friendly because of their biodegradable nature. From soaps to bags and clothes, recyclable products are available in almost every corner of the world. Hence, do not hesitate to opt for the environmentally friendly ones.

(iii) Plant trees- Is there a nearby park, garden, or roadside area where trees can be planted? Plant one small plant so that more oxygen can be generated in the environment and the effects of pollution ultimately wither away

(iv) Use electric vehicles- Like our cell phones and laptops, you can buy rechargeable vehicles that do not emit any pollution. Additionally, you don’t need to fuel your car with petrol again and again and spend a lot of money each time you take your vehicle out of the garage

Indeed, we are moving towards development and technological advancement. However, it is imperative to remember the Bhopal Gas Tragedy by doing something environmentally fruitful.

Today is the day we pause to reflect on how much pollution we’ve created and what it’s doing to our planet. In recent years, we’ve seen a lot of progress in reducing pollution. But there is still so much work to be done. We hope everyone will take this opportunity to understand their own efforts and make further commitments for the future.

 Sustainable Development Goals – A way to a Green World          


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