Know About Tidal Energy And It’s Fact

Know About Tidal Energy And It’s Fact

More the options available for renewable energy sources, the better the chances of transforming the earth into a greener and cleaner space. And with the unpredictable nature of sun and wind, we need some more energy alternatives like tidal energy that are not only useful but also anticipatory.

Although tidal energy has not gained popularity like solar and wind energy, it is nowhere less when it comes to productivity. Additionally, the roots of tidal energy lie in both the Atlantic coast of North America and Europe where the tides were used to turn water wheels which generated mechanical power to mill grain. With time, more utility power of tides came into light however the true potential of tidal energy is yet to be realized. Hence we are mentioning some facts about the respective energy that will help us to spread awareness and encourage its usage in the future.

Some amazing facts about Tidal Energy

Whether it is basic features or working dynamics, tidal energy is a concept rich in amazing facts. These are some interesting and knowledge-enriching facts about the same.

1)Renewable source of energy

Fully Powered by the natural rise and fall of tides that happen at least twice a day because of the moon’s gravitational force, tidal energy can be considered a hundred percent renewable form of energy. Additionally, tidal energy is also regarded as a sustainable form of energy as it is a result of solar and lunar cycles and does not emit any harmful gas that increases the chances of acid rain and global warming. As per the Indian Institute of technology, tidal power as a renewable source of energy has the potential of generating 12455 MegaWatt power which can be extremely helpful in providing electricity in many places.

Tidal energy works via turbines that have blades rotating more than 18 times in a minute. On the other hand, turbines are connected to a gearbox that turns on the generator when the blades rotate hence producing electricity

2)High energy density

Tidal energy is generated as a result of high and low tides of water which is a hundred times denser than wind making it a lot more powerful than other forms of energy. And this is the reason why tidal turbines are usually smaller than wind turbines and hence work at a lower flow density.

Wind turbines are of two types- Axial turbines and Cross turbines. Axial turbines use rotary blades and are based on the working dynamics where the axis and flow direction has to remain parallel to one another. This means you have to adjust the axis of the turbine according to the flow direction. On the other hand, Cross turbines comprise foils and the vertical axis of the turbines can be driven by horizontal flow in all directions.

3)Low maintenance and operational cost

The cost of building vertical axis turbines and offshore turbines is very low. And only minimal maintenance is required if the design is made carefully and the material used is of good quality for building the power plant. Additionally, you will not be required to work with a logistics company to transport fuel in the future.

4)Helps in storing energy in a hydroelectric dam

Dams and tidal barriers can support each other to deploy pumps and move water against gravity so that it can be used later as energy. During low electricity demand, the electricity generated from a wind farm could easily pump water from a lower reservoir to a higher reservoir. And during the time of requirement, the same energy can be used to release water from dams through the dam’s hydroelectric turbines.

5) the United States is yet to develop tidal energy

It may sound surprising that the biggest superpower of the world is still lagging when it comes to tidal power. Yes, this is true. The United States of America does not have any tidal power plant commercially operating in its region. However, some areas of the United States are still in the development process of installing tidal energy power plants. For example, Cook Inlet of Alaska and Maine regions have the highest potential for developing this exceptional form of power- tidal energy and are in process of procuring tidal energy.

6)Two large tidal barrages exist in the world

Currently, two tidal barrages are existing in the world- one in France and another in Canada. A tidal barrage is a structure that helps in procuring energy from water while the tides are in action throughout. However, this dam-like structure is built in two places at present. These barrages are usually constructed across the tidal rivers to harness maximum energy from the river. The gates of the barrages are opened as the tide rises and eventually closed down when it achieves its maximum height.

India’s achievement in the tidal energy sector

According to the research, India has a potential of 8000 Megawatts of tidal energy. And the areas with the highest potential for tidal energy are Gujarat(1200 MW in Gulf of Kutch and 7000 MW in Gulf of Cambay) West Bengal (100 MW in Sunderbans, South Haldia, and Hoogly), and Tamil Nadu(Pak Mannar channel). However, India is still in the research and development phase of tidal energy and still waiting for its implementation on a commercial scale.

There were many efforts made in the past for introducing tidal energy in the commercial world however the mission had to be later postponed due to the high capital cost required- 30 crores to 60 crores per Megawatt. But still, the fifth largest tidal power plant exists in India with the name- Durgaduare creek in Sundarbans.

Not only India but the whole world is in the infancy stage when it comes to tidal energy. The proof is- there are very few famous commercial power plants available around the globe- La Rance region of France and Sinwa Lake in South Korea. Additionally, there are only some countries that have the potential to generate tidal energy-. China, France, Russia, England, and Canada.

There is no doubt that tidal power is one of the most reliable sources of renewable energy. However, it’s still gaining popularity like other sources of renewable energy. More research is required regarding the places where this energy can be installed, the effect it can have on the inhabitants surrounding the power plants, and how much more capital is required.

Tidal energy is the future of mankind. Tidal energy is a renewable resource that has the potential to provide clean, green energy for thousands of years.

With tidal energy, we can harness the power of the ocean to generate electricity and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. It’s a renewable resource that can be used to help power homes, businesses, and even entire cities.

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