Advantages of Renewable Energy

Advantages of Renewable Energy

There are numerous advantages of renewable energy and we will discuss about those in this article.

Renewable energy has started to go mainstream all over the world. It accounted for more than 82% of all newly installed energy production capacity in 2020 as reported by IRENA, the International Renewable Energy Agency. This translates to over 2,799GW of installed capacity in renewables. As compared to barely 60GW for all other non-renewable energy sources combined.

This showcases a massive shift in the global perception of renewable energy. With more and more countries accepting it as the only way to sustainably move forward. While advances in various energy production and storage technologies have certainly played a big role in helping renewable energy become more viable on a commercial scale. It still isn’t the only factor that we can credit for this amazing growth. After all, fossil fuels aren’t that much more expensive than wind and solar these days. And they certainly enjoy the patronage of multi-billion-dollar corporations, which have heavily invested in not only building up their infrastructure. But also, in promoting fossil fuel as the driving force behind global development.

Yet despite all their efforts, renewable energy production is all set to surpass the combined installed capacity of fossil fuels before the end of this decade. To understand this phenomenon, we must first take a look at all the advantages renewable energy has over traditional fossil fuels. And how we can utilize them to drive our society towards a carbon-neutral future.

Endless Supply of Clean Fuel

This is perhaps the biggest advantage that renewable energy has over fossil fuels. By definition, these sources of energy are naturally replenished by nature irrespective of how much we use them. The most obvious example of this is the sun. Which produces around 4,000,000 tons of energy every second. Even if we only count the usable amount of solar energy potential we can capture safely. It still amounts to around 1,600 to 49,800 exajoules per year.

An easy way to make you understand how massive that number is. Is to look at the combined global energy consumption of humans. Which stood at barely 581 exajoules in 2019. This is just the average solar potential we are bound to get for millions of years to come. We haven’t even counted the energy potential of other types of renewable energy. Like the wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, biomass, and more.

Each of which can also match the needs of the human race, if utilized properly. And are basically guaranteed to never run out. At least not on a timescale that is relevant to human existence on this planet. This automatically makes renewable energy superior to fossil fuels. Which are set to run out in the next 100 years or so. At the current rate of consumption.

This is enough motivation for us to switch to renewable energy completely. Even if we don’t consider the added advantage that renewables have. Of not producing any type of harmful pollution that we have to deal with today. Which in itself is something that makes it all worth the investment.

Lower Maintenance Requirements

Fossil-based energy production requires us to burn fuel to get energy. This in itself is a problematic process, at it is hard to contain and utilize that kind of chemical reaction. This means that we need complex machinery and precise conditions to make it usable. This adds to the cost of maintenance, as more moving parts result in more potential for error.

Moreover, continued explosions tend to cause wear and tear in the structures. This means that the production facilities need to be made out of tougher materials. Which increases the price of both installation and replacements of said parts. Not to mention the pollutants that are also released along with this process. Which needs to be properly processed before we release them into the atmosphere.

This further adds to the scale and price of the facility. While still not being 100% effective in preventing air pollution. Not to mention the fact that the pollutants are often corrosive in nature. Which causes, even more, wear and tear amongst the parts. Thus, requiring frequent repair and replacements.

All of these costs add up to make fossil fuel energy production quite expensive to sustain. Renewable energy sources on the other hand don’t have these issues. As the only thing we have to do in those systems is energy capture.

The energy production process is also taken care of by nature. Whether through the nuclear reactions in the core of the Earth and the Sun. Or the natural wind, rain, and tidal cycles that have sustained themselves for centuries. Thus, cutting down the complexity of the machinery required. As well as the maintenance cost of the facilities.

What are different type of Renewable Energies?

Savings in Energy Costs

The same principle of self-sustaining power generation that helps cut down on maintenance costs of renewable energy also applies to the overall energy costs. Since the energy is essentially produced for free and can be availed anywhere on the globe. This is a big differentiator between renewables and traditional fossil fuels. As the latter requires expensive mining operations to get the raw materials.

Not to mention the cost of transporting all that raw material across the world. These are just the basic costs of production that come with fossil fuel extraction. We haven’t even counted the profit margins that fossil fuel companies charge for this service. We can drastically reduce our energy costs if we eliminate these added expenses. By switching over the renewable sources of energy.

Even individuals can enjoy the benefits of cheaper energy. If they start utilizing small-scale home-based systems like rooftop solar. Which will have the added bonus of reducing the pressure on the grid. While also making you self-reliant when it comes to your own energy needs.

Lower Reliance on Foreign Fuel

advantages of renewable energy

The advantage of self-reliance when it comes to energy, which we just mentioned above. Goes beyond just the economic concerns of individuals. It also serves as a big boost to the political position of the country itself. In today’s world, it isn’t an exaggeration to say that oil-producing countries have a major upper hand when it comes to global politics. It is a well-established fact that a lot of global recessions were initially caused by the unpredictability of fuel prices and their supply.

This is something that adversely impacts developing countries a lot more. Who often rely on foreign oil for their survival. This puts them in a vulnerable position when negotiating with these oil-producing nations. A fear that these countries often utilize as a bargaining chip when it comes to international relations. Russia and the OPEC countries are prime examples of nations that openly use their oil reserves as offensive weapons in their political arsenal.

The only way to safeguard against these indirect attacks is to reduce our reliance on foreign fuel. By shifting our energy supply to renewable resources like solar and wind. Which are available all over the world, and cannot be controlled through borders and sanctions.

By cutting down on our coal and oil imports we can also reduce the deficit in trade. Thus, increasing the GDP of the nation as a result. This is an advantage that everyone seems to be recognizing these days.

This is why we are seeing more and more countries launching special plans. Aimed at becoming independent of fossil fuel imports in the coming future. By increasing their installed renewable energy capacity at home.

Creates New Jobs

One of the indirect benefits of these plans to move towards renewable energy. Is the creation of new jobs in this field. Both in terms of manufacturing components for renewable energy production. As well as the installation and maintenance of said systems.

We are already seeing this play out on a global scale. As according to the International Labour Organization. Countries investing in renewables have added over 12 million new jobs to the market just in 2020. This number could grow to over 25 million by 2030. A figure that far surpasses the estimated 6 million job losses we can expect. If we phase out fossil fuels completely. This ratio bodes well for the future of this global energy transition. As well the economic prospects of the companies investing in renewable technologies.

Cleaner Environment

So far, we have addressed the commercial and political advantages of shifting to renewable energy. But, a far more vital advantage of this shift is purely ethical, i.e. leaving behind a cleaner environment for our future generations.

advantages of renewable energy

For years now, scientists have repeatedly stated that fossil fuels are directly responsible for the majority of global warming and pollution. Two factors that have seriously impacted the quality of life of humans across the world. So much so, that over 7 million people die each year due to air pollution alone. Not to mention the added destruction that happens as a result of extreme weather events. That have increased in frequency and strength over the past few years. As a direct result of global warming.

This is a cost that lies solely on our shoulders. As it can be easily avoided by shifting to renewable energy. Since they don’t produce any sort of carbon emissions. Just by shifting our existing energy infrastructure to renewables, we can prevent 33.1 Gt of CO2 from reaching the atmosphere each year.

If we don’t do anything in the face of such obvious facts. We will not only be harming our fellow humans today. But, our future generations as well, for thousands of years to come.

We can only hope that more people begin to realize these advantages of renewable energy. And work together to bring about a future that is truly sustainable for all.

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