Watergen: Providing a Sustainable Solution to the World’s Water Crisis

Watergen: Providing a Sustainable Solution to the World’s Water Crisis

Water is one of the most important resources for life on Earth, and having access to safe drinking water is a basic human right. Unfortunately, many people around the world lack access to safe drinking water, resulting in health issues and economic challenges. To address this issue, Watergen has created a technology that can extract water from thin air, providing a long-term solution for communities that lack access to clean water.

Mr. Arye Kohavi, a former Israeli Air Force combat pilot, founded Watergen in Israel in 2009. After witnessing the Middle East’s water scarcity and the devastating effects of drought on agriculture and the environment, Kohavi was inspired to create Watergen. He saw the need for a new approach to water supply that was based on sustainable and innovative technology.

Watergen technology extracts humidity from the air and converts it into drinkable water. It’s similar to how clouds form in the atmosphere, where water vapour condenses into droplets. A dehumidifier cools the air and condenses the water vapour, which is then purified using a series of filters and ultraviolet light.

Mr. Rajiv Makhani, NDTV’s technology journalist and managing editor, recently reviewed this latest technology by Watergen up close and explained its water-making dynamics at the Convergence India expo in 2023.

The water-making process consists of three steps: first, the air is purified; second, a heat exchanger made of polymer and patented by the company converts the air into water; and finally, the water is purified into safe drinking water. The resulting water is clean, safe, and refreshing, with a flavour similar to that of bottled water. The Watergen system is capable of producing up to 6000 litres of water per day for commercial use and 30 litres per day for normal use.

Although the process currently consists of three steps, the company is gradually transitioning to a five-step process that includes UV to provide the purest and cleanest water. This ensures that the water produced is free of impurities and thus safe to drink and use.

One of the most common myths associated with extracting moisture from the air is whether the moisture will vanish forever if everyone starts using the machine. “No,” is the answer. The air moisture remains completely normal, regardless of where the machine is installed. The Watergen machine consumes only a small portion of the available moisture in the air, leaving the rest unaffected. Indeed, this technology has the potential to reduce demand for traditional water sources such as underground water and rivers, thereby contributing to a more sustainable water supply.

Watergen’s cutting-edge technology has the potential to change the way we think about water supply. It provides a long-term and cost-effective solution for communities that lack access to safe drinking water. Furthermore, the technology can be used in a variety of settings, such as homes, schools, hospitals, and disaster relief efforts. This technology has the potential to improve the lives of millions of people worldwide by providing a consistent source of clean water.

This is one of the most promising solutions to the world’s water crisis. It provides a sustainable and innovative approach to water supply, which can help ensure that everyone has access to safe drinking water, which is a basic human right. As the company develops its technology, we can expect to see more widespread adoption of this technology, providing communities with a reliable source of clean water and contributing to a more sustainable future for all.

World Water Day 2023 – Let us help water breathe

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