Nano Bubbles Technology in Lake Remediation

Nano Bubbles Technology in Lake Remediation

Lakes & Pond Remediation using Nano Bubbles (Algae control)

Maintaining adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in water is a critical component to sustaining healthy ecosystems in lakes and ponds. Low DO levels and the presence of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus can lead to algae blooms in the epilimnion that further deplete DO concentrations and degrade water quality. Sustaining DO levels across the entire water column, including the hypolimnion, helps mitigate algae growth by reducing the rate of nutrient recycling into the water from the sediment layer. However, effectively aerating the entire water column with conventional aeration systems poses difficulties, as oxygen transfer is poor in warm and shallow water bodies, while distribution of oxygen to the hypolimnion layer is challenging in deep water applications. Harnessing the power of Nano bubbles, it’s proved that it can cost-effectively reduce and prevent harmful and unsightly algae blooms by effectively aerating the entire water column independent of depth or temperature.

Nano Bubbles Technology is Chemical Free Treatment

The gas-injection technology produces billions of Nano bubbles per milliliter of water, each less than 200 nanometers. This enables to transfer oxygen with greater the 90% efficiency. This efficient oxygen transfer utilizing compressed air helps ponds rapidly increase dissolved oxygen throughout the entire body of water allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive and consume nutrients before algae blooms occur. Customers who have installed this type of Nano bubble generator report elimination and prevention of algae without the use of a single herbicide, pesticide or other chemical-based algae treatment.

Also Read: The proven benefits of Nano-Bubbles.

DO Mixing and Distribution

Due to the Nano bubbles’ neutral buoyancy, they are able to evenly oxygenate the entire water column, thereby achieving the same DO level at all depths of a pond. This is particularly important because the presence of oxygen at lower depths prevents the hypolimnion, the dense bottom layer of water, from becoming anoxic. Sufficient oxygen at the bottom layer of the water column prevents the release of nutrients from the sediment, helping mitigate algae blooms. Additionally, the Nano bubbles are able to oxygenate the sediment passively, minimizing agitation and improving turbidity and water clarity.

Non-invasive Plug & Play Solution

The Nano bubble generators are positioned outside the body of water. Customers can typically install and commission the system in half a day by simply connecting PVC or flexible hoses to and from the generator to the body of water and connecting the generator to a power source. These simple to install, energy efficient systems, help aquatic management companies and their customers eliminate and prevent algae more cost effectively than the use of traditional, invasive aeration systems or fountains combined with chemistry.

MNG Generator

ACE DYNAMICS is an Indian entity, working on Eco-friendly water harvesting management technology. They design, manufacture, supply, and undertake annual maintenance contracts for water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, Effluent treatment plants, Reverse Osmosis systems, Swimming pool filtration units, and Ozone generators under the brand name “BLUE SEA”. Apart from this, they also take on industry-specific Erection, testing & commissioning of Hydro-pneumatic pumping systems.

For more information, you can visit our website ACE Dynamics.

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